Wednesday, March 4, 2009

-5 things-

There is a thing that people are hardly looking to satisfy their self-actualization that consisted in Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. (“)(^.^)(“)
The things are:

Having a BEAUTIFUL/ GOOD LOOKING FACE. Become kawaii and kakkoii are the things that we are dream for. Eventhough it is not even occurred in our mind to showing off, but deep inside of our heart, having a good looks at least will enhance our self- esteem as we are socializing with people in surrounding.
RiCH. Who does not have any desire to become rich as we are able to buy and own anything in this world? But for love and care, it is priceless :p
GOOD HEALTH AND CONDITION. People try to avoid any diseases from affected them by applying all sort of way to prevent them from dying in an early age.
EDUCATED CHILDREN IN THE FUTURE. After we got married, surely we dream to have a kids that are obedient and hopefully does not have any link with delinquent stuff and doing a lot of “laghOo” things that indirectly will drop our water face.
SLEEP SOUNDLESSLY. Starting a new day with energetic feeling that came from an enough sleep will lead to the effective and efficient performance during conducting the work as well as decreasing the rate of “PMS”.

To achieve those 5 things:
-Do not ever miss to perform Subuh prayer as it is the source of light that will brighten our face as well our day.
-Do not ever neglect to perform Zohor as it will give the ‘rezeki’ and luck to us endlessly.
-Do not ever forget to perform Asar as it will strengthen our body and as a good defense of any diseases.
-Do not ever to intentionally not perform Maghrib as it will give the benefits to the parents as well their children.
-Do not ever skip from performing Isyak as it will give us a good quality of sleep.

Last but not least, we need to perform a solat to fulfill the obligation as a muslim. I think that all of us know what the significant of performing prayers. So…have a thought in it~!!

Kawaii- cute/ pretty
Kakkoii- handsome/ howt
Laghoo- doing things that wasting the time and not give any benefits
PMS- this term is usually used to those women that are going to have a menstrual cycle that experienced an unbalanced hormones and lead to the unbalance emotions.For this article, this term is universal to anybody that having a bad mood for that particular day.


  1. salam..
    i wonder where do you get this article from..hurm..
    ill try my best not to leave my solat to get all this 5 things..
    and for Allah too..

  2. salam..

    this article seems interesting..
    i'll try my best not to skip my solat..
    so that i can achieve those 5 things as well as doing for Allah too..
    thanx mimah for the information..

  3. Somehow, this article seems interesting. :p
    You need to have a lot of discipline to not skip any of the solat. And I'm still working on that. But I do try my best to not skip solat.

  4. salam mimah...
    i need to discipline myself not to skip pray espeacially subuh...

  5. salamm
    beatiful, rich, good health, educated children in the future and sleep soundleslly are all the things i want to achieve in the future.
    especially being rich and well-known by the people around me ;)
    i'll use all the information you wrote to achive these things ;)

  6. yeehaa...
    alhamdullillah so far i din skip my solat without any reason.
    i can see a differences in myself since im here in uitm.
    before this i like to pray 'lmbat' but now,
    i will solat right after the azan.
    [if theres is nothing to do laa]

  7. congratulations classmates! looks like everybody are trying their best to do their 5-time prayers everyday.

    we're not getting young everyday ok. eventhough we had done all those silly and bad things in our everyday life, but we must remain steadfast in doing our solat. coz when our solat is complete, insyaAllah we'll become a better person.

    do u know that even u do 1001 numbers of kind n good things but at the same time u don't do solat, all those kindness will not be accepted?

  8. assalamualaikum...

    this article seems interesting..

    syukur alhamdullilah so far i did not skip my solat without any reason..
    so that i can achieve those 5 things as well as doing for Allah..
    thank for your information..


  9. assalamualaikum..
    for me this article isvery interesting..
    thanks 4 the information mimah;)

  10. salam...
    i also trying the best too..

    thx 4 da information...

    when i been here..
    i very2 shocked!
    for them..
    solat just nothing..
    [org alim2 jew solat ni..]
    they also say..
    [zaman skrg mne la org nak pki besar2,baju besar2 dulu2 nak ar...]

    ~~ why have people like this???
    [pakai mcm hantu bunjut,pastu make up mcm pontianak nak pulek]
    i'm not perfect,but..
    i'm trying to be 'hamba',
    follow the rules...
    [xpyh kutuk2,senyap sudeh!]
    [not all,but i still follow the basic]
    not only for me..
    also all my person in my life
    [aku xnak ayah aku masok nerake sbb aku..]

    can we know when we die??
    hope they will get hidayah..


  11. salam guys...

    yupp, that is true because 'solat adalah tiang agama'
    but you know what ,we are not actually will get all the 5 things only, more than that. as long as we are really care about that.

    but, what happen, for the person who are really2 care about their solat, but still the bad thing happen to them??

    its very simple, juz bcoz ALLAH love you.
